La Historia Oficial


La Historia Oficial - 1985 - Luis Puenzo
Country: Argentina

Plot: The country has just been liberated from the military dictatorship (1976-83). This is the story of a woman who realises that her adopted child is most likely the daughter of one of the many dissidents to the regime that went missing during the dictatorship. The film slightly touches the tragedy of the families whose members went missing after being tortured and murdered and focuses on the children of the “desaparecidos” which ended up in illegal adoptions.

Our Rating: *****

Academy awarded film and easily understandable why. The movie is very touching, the actors are exceptionally good and the spectator is completely drawn by the human drama that will affect this family. We especially liked the sad lullaby that small Gaby sings throughout the film: El País de Nomeacuerdo (by María Elena Welsh).

Rating: * = poor // ***** = favourite

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