Qué tan Lejos


Qué tan Lejos – 2006 – Tania Hermida
Country: Ecuador.

Plot: Two women meet in the bus that connects Quito to Cuenca. There are barricades on the road due to a national strike and the bus cannot proceed. They decide to walk together to the next village to find other options to reach Cuenca. This is how the paths of Esperanza (a Spanish tourist) and Tristeza (an Ecuadorian student) cross. They will meet Jesus and André who are also on their way to Cuenca.

Our Rating: * * *

The film illustrates that travelling is about meeting people. There is much more emphasis on the dialogues between the characters that get to know each other during the trip than for example in the landscape. Very interesting is the symbology of the names of the characters: Tristeza is on this trip to Cuenca to prevent her summer love to get married. Jesus will appear has the messiah revealing to her that her life is only now starting…

Rating: * = poor // ***** = favourite

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