Hikes and trails in Flores Island – Azores

hikes and trails in Flores Island Azores

One of the reasons why you should spend a good couple of days in Flores is to explore the many trails of the island. There is a series of beautiful trails in Flores and you can spend days hiking throughout the island. Trails are organised according to the international nomination used by the network of European walking trails.

  • GR stands for great hiking trails or long distance trails (from the French Grande Randonnée)
  • PR stands for short distance trails (from the French Petite Randonnée)

Here is a small résumé of the hikes and trails one can find in the island of Flores.

GR1 – Great Tour of Flores



  • Type of circuit: Linear route
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Distance: 47 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Moderate/difficult
  • Starting Point: Santa Cruz das Flores
  • Finishing Point: Lajedo

The GR1 of Flores is usually split in two days. On the first day, the hike takes us from Santa Cruz to Ponta Delgada. This stage is about 21 kilometres long and and should take at least eight hours. This stage finishes at the village of Ponta Delgada, where you will find local accommodation to spend the night. Alternatively, you can also camp in the camping site near Ponta Delgada. Bring water and snacks for the day.

Day two is a bit longer than day one (around 26 kilometres) and will take you from Ponta Delgada to Lajedo passing near Fajã Grande. At the time of our visit this stage was closed for maintenance, because bad weather had damaged some of the slopes.

PR1 – Fajã Grande to Ponta Delgada



  • Type of circuit: Linear
  • Duration: 4h30
  • Distance: 12.9 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Moderate/difficult

PR2 – Lajedo to Fajã Grande



  • Type of circuit: Linear
  • Duration: 4h00
  • Distance: 13 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Moderate

PR3 – Miradouro das Lagoas to Poço Bacalhau

seven Lagoons in Flores Island Azores


  • Type of circuit: Linear
  • Duration: 3h00
  • Distance: 7 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Moderate

PR4 – Fajã Lopo Vaz



  • Type of circuit: Round
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 3.4 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Moderate

Around Fajã Grande


Besides these official PR trails, we also put together some others. These are easy-to-hike options, each of them with incredible views and taking only a few hours, each. Below are two of our favourites around Fajã Grande and another easy one next to Santa Cruz Das Flores.

Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro – Poço do Bacalhau – Fajã Grande



  • Type of circuit: Linear
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 4 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Easy

Fajã Grande – Fajãzinha – Aldeia da Cuada – Casa do Vigia (whalers’ lookout) – Fajã Grande



  • Type of circuit: Round
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Distance: 10 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate

Santa Cruz – Alagoa



  • Type of circuit: Linear
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 5 kilometres
  • Difficulty: Easy

If you are planning to visit Flores Island in the Azores, you should not miss our articles below:


Where to stay when you visit Flores Island

– Camping sites: The island is well served with camping sites. If you would like to have a closer contact with nature (hike or bike and camp), the island is well prepared for that.

– Local accommodation: There are a few local stays, and as people are beginning to open their homes to tourism, this could well increase in the next couple of years.

– Hotels: There is a small but very nice selection of hotels in the island. Most of the hotels are located in Santa Cruz, Fajã Grande and Lajes.


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